Banished (Banished #1)

There isn’t much worth living for in Gypsum, Missouri—or Trashtown, as the rich kids call the run-down neighborhood where sixteen-year-old Hailey Tarbell lives. Hailey figures she’ll never belong—not with the popular kids at school, not with the rejects, not even with her cruel, sickly grandmother, who deals drugs out of their basement. Hailey never knew her dead mother, and she has no idea who her father was, but at least she has her four-year-old foster brother, Chub. Once she turns eighteen, Hailey plans to take Chub far from Gypsum and start a new life where no one can find them.

But when a classmate is injured in gym class, Hailey discovers a gift for healing that she never knew she possessed—and that she cannot ignore. Not only can she heal, she can bring the dying back to life. Confused by her powers, Hailey searches for answers but finds only more questions, until a mysterious visitor shows up at Gram’s house, claiming to be Hailey’s aunt Prairie.

There are people who will stop at nothing to keep Hailey in Trashtown, living out a legacy of despair and suffering. But when Prairie saves both Hailey and Chub from armed attackers who invade Gram’s house in the middle of the night, Hailey must decide where to place her trust. Will Prairie’s past, and the long-buried secret that caused her to leave Gypsum years earlier, ruin them all? Because as Hailey will soon find out, their power to heal is just the beginning.

This gripping novel from thriller writer Sophie Littlefield blazes a trail from small-town Missouri to the big city as Hailey battles an evil greater than she ever imagined, while discovering strengths she never knew she had.

From the Hardcover edition

There isn’t much worth living for in Gypsum, Missouri—or Trashtown, as the rich kids call the run-down neighborhood where sixteen-year-old Hailey Tarbell lives. Hailey figures she’ll never belong—not with the popular kids at school, not with the rejects, not even with her cruel, sickly grandmother, who deals drugs out of their basement. Hailey never knew her dead mother, and she has no idea who her father was, but at least she has her four-year-old foster brother, Chub. Once she turns eighteen, Hailey plans to take Chub far from Gypsum and start a new life where no one can find them.

But when a classmate is injured in gym class, Hailey discovers a gift for healing that she never knew she possessed—and that she cannot ignore. Not only can she heal, she can bring the dying back to life. Confused by her powers, Hailey searches for answers but finds only more questions, until a mysterious visitor shows up at Gram’s house, claiming to be Hailey’s aunt Prairie.

There are people who will stop at nothing to keep Hailey in Trashtown, living out a legacy of despair and suffering. But when Prairie saves both Hailey and Chub from armed attackers who invade Gram’s house in the middle of the night, Hailey must decide where to place her trust. Will Prairie’s past, and the long-buried secret that caused her to leave Gypsum years earlier, ruin them all? Because as Hailey will soon find out, their power to heal is just the beginning.

This gripping novel from thriller writer Sophie ... tümünü göster


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8 puan

Bu kitaptan gerçekten hoşlandım her ne kadar kitabı bir ara bıraksamda bunun kitapla ilgili olduğunu düşünmüyorum. İçinde aşşk vardı ama ana karakteri kapsayan bir aşk yoktu. Tabi biz sinyalleri görüyoruz.Kaz ile aralarında bir şey olacağı gerçekten aşikar.
Kitabın girişte olan bir olayın kitabın içinde geçmiş olacağını düşünüyor insan ama okuyunca bunun daha çok geçmişe ait olduğunu görüyor.
Kitapta fedakarlıklar,bir sürü kötü karakteri gerçekterin açıklanması, sırların ortaya çıkması gibi olaylar var. Ama aşk yok, en azından Hailey için.Hikaye ilginçti, karakterlerle bağlanabiliyordunuz.

Kısaca Özet;
Hailey hayatı boyunca acımasız ve uyuşturucu satan büyün annesinin yanında kalmıştır. Ona gerçek güçleri söylenmemiştir biz gün biz Morri'yi kurtarması ile her şey acığa kavuşmaya başlar. Hiç bir akrabalığı olmayan Scub( biraz geç gelişmektendir) ile Hailey ilgilenmektedir. Aniden Halasının çıkıp gelmesi bazı adamların ve kötü olayların ardından Hailey kendisi ve soy ağacı, annesi hakkındaki gerçekleri öğrenir.Ve her şeyi bırakıp halası ile kaçar. Ama yapılması gereken bir kaç şey daha vardır.

12 yıl, 11 ay

Baskı Bilgileri

Karton Cilt, 304 sayfa
12Ekim2010 tarihinde, Delacorte Books for Young Readers tarafından yayınlandı


Etiketler: romance

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