Önder Renklivıldırım isthe outhor/creator of monobi-, linguolizotion. After working withProfessor John Sinclair of Birmingham Unlverslfy Cobuild Projecf, he has wriften o number of dicflonaries for Britlsh publishers suclı as Longman. Collins, Oxford and Chombers. He is currently I worlATREASURECHESTOrlent Expre5S offers on up-to-date bilinguol app rooch to understandingand learning todoys Engilsh, İt hos been written to meeî the needs of intermediate students.- Över 150,000 words Carefjiiy selected heodwords and subentries Thousands of contedualized sentences ond phroses iHeodv/ords printed in colour for eose of use
Önder Renklivıldırım isthe outhor/creator of monobi-, linguolizotion. After working withProfessor John Sinclair of Birmingham Unlverslfy Cobuild Projecf, he has wriften o number of dicflonaries for Britlsh publishers suclı as Longman. Collins, Oxford and Chombers. He is currently I worlATREASURECHESTOrlent Expre5S offers on up-to-date bilinguol app rooch to understandingand learning todoys Engilsh, İt hos been written to meeî the needs of intermediate students.- Över 150,000 words Carefjiiy selected heodwords and subentries Thousands of contedualized sentences ond phroses iHeodv/ords printed in colour for eose of use