Exams Dictionary

Specially created for exam students• 212,000 vvords, phrases, and meanings - including thousands from computing, business, science, and medicine• 160,000 examples - including thousands from academic reports and essays• Clear definitions using only 2000 common vvords• Exams Workbook - practical help in preparing for your examVVrite better essays¦ Improve your vvritten Engljsh with the VVriting Guide• VVrite better academic essays with the Essay Activator• Learn vocabulary by topic with the Topîc Activator• 1000 study notes on vocabulary, grammar, and common errors• 15,000 synonyms, antonyms, and word familiesLongman Exanıs Coach CD-ROM• Help and feedback from your personal exam5 tutor• 35 hours of Interactive exercises for FCE, CAE, lELTS, TOEICR, and TOEFLR• 3 hours of listening practice• Longman Exams Dictionary and Longman Language ActîvatorH)

Specially created for exam students• 212,000 vvords, phrases, and meanings - including thousands from computing, business, science, and medicine• 160,000 examples - including thousands from academic reports and essays• Clear definitions using only 2000 common vvords• Exams Workbook - practical help in preparing for your examVVrite better essays¦ Improve your vvritten Engljsh with the VVriting Guide• VVrite better academic essays with the Essay Activator• Learn vocabulary by topic with the Topîc Activator• 1000 study notes on vocabulary, grammar, and common errors• 15,000 synonyms, antonyms, and word familiesLongman Exanıs Coach CD-ROM• Help and feedback from your personal exam5 tutor• 35 hours of Interactive exercises for FCE, CAE, lELTS, TOEICR, and TOEFLR• 3 hours of listening practice• Longman Exams Dictionary and Longman Language ActîvatorH)


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