Narratology and Language Teaching provides a valuable insight into language-based approach to literature. The language-based activities presented and examplified in the methodology chapter may provide the prospective and experienced teachers with the approaches cover areas such as PreP, prediction, summarisation rules, character analysis, plot analysis, and activities to activate/give the necessary background knowledge.The activities have also been planned and suggested in terms of Multiple Intelligence (MI) for the use of the language teachers, particularly English language, to be implemented in the English language classrooms for the learners with different kind of intelligence.Understanding any text depends on the comprehenders accumulated knowledge. If a reader has a background knowledge which is revealed by the text being read, s/he may not have understanding problems. However, there are cases where the comprehender may possess needed old knowledge but may be incapable of exposing it to the comprehension process. This the point where the above mentioned language based activities come to the fore. Activities done may ease the job of the comprehenders and permit them to comprehend the message revealed by the text in an accurate way.
Narratology and Language Teaching provides a valuable insight into language-based approach to literature. The language-based activities presented and examplified in the methodology chapter may provide the prospective and experienced teachers with the approaches cover areas such as PreP, prediction, summarisation rules, character analysis, plot analysis, and activities to activate/give the necessary background knowledge.The activities have also been planned and suggested in terms of Multiple Intelligence (MI) for the use of the language teachers, particularly English language, to be implemented in the English language classrooms for the learners with different kind of intelligence.Understanding any text depends on the comprehenders accumulated knowledge. If a reader has a background knowledge which is revealed by the text being read, s/he may not have understanding problems. However, there are cases where the comprehender may possess needed old knowledge but may be incapable of exposing it to the comprehension process. This the point where the above mentioned language based activities come to the fore. Activities done may ease the job of the comprehenders and permit them to comprehend the message revealed by the text in an accurate way.