
Politics is a new kind of politics textbook. Stimulating, succinct and accessible, it offers a truly comprehensive introduction to the study of politics, written from an international perspective. This second edition takes full account of new developments such as debates about globalization, the impact of the mass media, and the shift from government to governance. It also includes new boxed material on major thinkers and key concepts.

Politics is a new kind of politics textbook. Stimulating, succinct and accessible, it offers a truly comprehensive introduction to the study of politics, written from an international perspective. This second edition takes full account of new developments such as debates about globalization, the impact of the mass media, and the shift from government to governance. It also includes new boxed material on major thinkers and key concepts.


Profil Resmi
10 puan

Siyasete dair güzel bir giriş kitabı.

11 yıl, 11 ay

Baskı Bilgileri

Karton Cilt, 471 sayfa
Eylül2002 tarihinde, Palgrave Macmillan tarafından yayınlandı


Diğer baskılar

Etiketler: siyaset bilimi

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