Wizard's First Rule

Richard Cypher's decision to help a woman in the Upper Ven near the Boundary between the Midlands and Westland creates more trouble than first appears. The woman, Kahlan Amnell, seeks the help of a wizard in the Westland, and she brings with her dark news from the other side of the Boundary: Darken Rahl, Ruler of D'Hara, has brought down the Boundary between D'Hara and the Midlands. This menacing ruler continues his dead father's quest for control by pressing war on the now vulnerable Midlands. Kahlan is attempting to find the great wizard who had left the Midlands for the Magic free Westlands due to the corruption of the government in his eyes, so as to have him Name a Seeker of Truth. The great wizard turns out to be Zeddicus Zu'l Zorrander, Richards longtime friend, who then proceeds to name Richard the Seeker.

Richard Cypher's decision to help a woman in the Upper Ven near the Boundary between the Midlands and Westland creates more trouble than first appears. The woman, Kahlan Amnell, seeks the help of a wizard in the Westland, and she brings with her dark news from the other side of the Boundary: Darken Rahl, Ruler of D'Hara, has brought down the Boundary between D'Hara and the Midlands. This menacing ruler continues his dead father's quest for control by pressing war on the now vulnerable Midlands. Kahlan is attempting to find the great wizard who had left the Midlands for the Magic free Westlands due to the corruption of the government in his eyes, so as to have him Name a Seeker of Truth. The great wizard turns out to be Zeddicus Zu'l Zorrander, Richards longtime friend, who then proceeds to name Richard the Seeker.


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9 puan

Yurt dışında bestseller olmasına karşın Türkiye'de -yayınevinin büyük sorumsuzluğundan- sadece birkaç bin kişinin okuyabildiği güzel kitap.

Tabi bu kitabın bir seri içerisinde olduğunu, Türkçe'ye çevrilmemiş -ve çevrilmeyecek- 11 kitabının daha bulunduğunu da hatırlamak gerek ki yayınevinin sorumsuzluğunu anlayabilelim.

10 puan

Legend Of The Seeker dizisiyle tanıştım. Tür ilgimi çekmemesine rağmen okumaya karar verdim ve pişman olmadım. Yazar gerçekten farklı bir dünya yaratmış, türü sevenler kaçırmasın. Diğer kitapları da var ama henüz dilimize çevrilmemiş.

11 yıl, 10 ay

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Etiketler: fantastik roman

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