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Falnama: The Book of Omens

Whether by consulting the position of the planets, casting horoscopes or interpreting dreams, the art of divination was widely practised throughout the Islamic world. The most splendid tools ever devised to foretell the future were illustrated texts known as the "Falnama" ("Book of Omens"). Notable for their monumental size, brilliantly painted compositions and unusual subject matter, the manuscripts, created in Safavid Iran and Ottoman Turkey in the 16th and early 17th centuries, are the centre piece of "Falnama: The Book of Omens". This is the first book ever devoted to these extraordinary manuscripts, which remain largely unpublished, and sheds new light on their artistic, cultural and religious significance.

Whether by consulting the position of the planets, casting horoscopes or interpreting dreams, the art of divination was widely practised throughout the Islamic world. The most splendid tools ever devised to foretell the future were illustrated texts ... tümünü göster

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· 11 yıl, 2 ay
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Noni okumuş.
Falnama: The Book of Omens

Whether by consulting the position of the planets, casting horoscopes or interpreting dreams, the art of divination was widely practised throughout the Islamic world. The most splendid tools ever devised to foretell the future were illustrated texts known as the "Falnama" ("Book of Omens"). Notable for their monumental size, brilliantly painted compositions and unusual subject matter, the manuscripts, created in Safavid Iran and Ottoman Turkey in the 16th and early 17th centuries, are the centre piece of "Falnama: The Book of Omens". This is the first book ever devoted to these extraordinary manuscripts, which remain largely unpublished, and sheds new light on their artistic, cultural and religious significance.

Whether by consulting the position of the planets, casting horoscopes or interpreting dreams, the art of divination was widely practised throughout the Islamic world. The most splendid tools ever devised to foretell the future were illustrated texts ... tümünü göster

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· 11 yıl, 2 ay
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Noni şu an okuyor.
Falnama: The Book of Omens

Whether by consulting the position of the planets, casting horoscopes or interpreting dreams, the art of divination was widely practised throughout the Islamic world. The most splendid tools ever devised to foretell the future were illustrated texts known as the "Falnama" ("Book of Omens"). Notable for their monumental size, brilliantly painted compositions and unusual subject matter, the manuscripts, created in Safavid Iran and Ottoman Turkey in the 16th and early 17th centuries, are the centre piece of "Falnama: The Book of Omens". This is the first book ever devoted to these extraordinary manuscripts, which remain largely unpublished, and sheds new light on their artistic, cultural and religious significance.

Whether by consulting the position of the planets, casting horoscopes or interpreting dreams, the art of divination was widely practised throughout the Islamic world. The most splendid tools ever devised to foretell the future were illustrated texts ... tümünü göster

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· 11 yıl, 2 ay
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Noni okumak istiyor.
Benim Adım Kırmızı

Orhan Pamuk'un 'en renkli ve en iyimser romanım' dediği Benim Adım Kırmızı, 1591 yılında İstanbulda karlı dokuz kış gününde geçiyor. İki küçük oğlu birbirleriyle sürekli çatışan güzel Şeküre, dört yıldır savaştan dönmeyen kocasının yerine kendine yeni bir koca, sevgili aramaya başlayınca, o sırada babasının tek tek eve çağırdığı saray nakkaşlarını saklandığı yerden seyreder. Eve gelen usta nakkaşlar, babasının denetimi altında Osmanlı Padişahı'nın gizlice yaptırttığı bir kitap için Frenk etkisi taşıyan tehlikeli resimler yapmaktadırlar. Aralarından biri öldürülünce... Herkesin kendi sesiyle konuştuğu, ölülerin, eşyaların dillendiği, ölüm, sanat, aşk, evlilik ve mutluluk üzerine bu kitap, aynı zamanda eski resim sanatının unutulmuş güzelliklerine bir ağıt.

Orhan Pamuk'un 'en renkli ve en iyimser romanım' dediği Benim Adım Kırmızı, 1591 yılında İstanbulda karlı dokuz kış gününde geçiyor. İki küçük oğlu birbirleriyle sürekli çatışan güzel Şeküre, dört yıldır savaştan dönmeyen kocasının yer... tümünü göster

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· 11 yıl, 2 ay
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Noni, Gubikon adlı üyeyi takibe aldı.

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vikitap admin.

11 yıl, 2 ay
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Noni, tuett adlı üyeyi takibe aldı.
11 yıl, 2 ay
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