Zeynep Türk

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11 takip ettiği ve 2 takip edeni var. 0 değerlendirme yapmış.

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Zeynep Türk, Berşan Kebikeç adlı üyeyi takibe aldı.
11 yıl, 2 ay
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Zeynep Türk, leuhrall adlı üyeyi takibe aldı.





11 yıl, 2 ay
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Zeynep Türk, catlakkazaan adlı üyeyi takibe aldı.

do it for yourself. don’t do it because it seems cool and don’t do it to get confirmation. a lot of people don’t give you a chance, but if you’re doing it because you love it and it’s what you love to do, then it’s not hard.

do it for yourself. don’t do it because it seems cool and don’t do it to get confirmation. a lot of people don’t give you a chance, but if you’re doing it because you love it and it’s what you love to do, then it’s not hard.

11 yıl, 2 ay
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Zeynep Türk, srnzmn adlı üyeyi takibe aldı.
11 yıl, 2 ay
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Zeynep Türk, HankR adlı üyeyi takibe aldı.
11 yıl, 2 ay
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