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Essential Grammar in Use with Answers

Essential Grammar in UseWiîhanswers and CD-ROM Third EditionA self-study reference and practice book for elementary studentsUsing clear examples and easy-to-foliow exercises, this new, f ull-colour edition of the best-selling Essential Grammar in Use makes learning easy, covering ali the areas of granımar that an elementary-level student needs.Two-page units with clear explanations on the left page and practiceexerciseson theright.NEW! Study Guide helps you f ind the most usef ul language points for you, making this book ideal f ör self-study.NEW! Even more Additional Exercisesr give you extra practice of difficult areas.The new CD-ROM gives you hımdreds of pracîice exercises, providing further practice for everyunit.Avariety of games snd exercises makelearning funMake your own tests: Choose f rom över600 granımar questions to test theareas that YOU want to practise.Audio recordings provide extra listeningand pronunciation practice.The built-in dictionary gives youinstant definitions of any new vocabulary.Interactive speaking exercisesprovide extra practice at the end of each section

Essential Grammar in UseWiîhanswers and CD-ROM Third EditionA self-study reference and practice book for elementary studentsUsing clear examples and easy-to-foliow exercises, this new, f ull-colour edition of the best-selling Essential Grammar in U... tümünü göster

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· 10 yıl
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buseucar okumak istiyor.
English Grammar in Use With Answers and CD-ROM Third Edition

English Grammar in UseWith ansvversand CD-ROAA Third EditionA self-study reference and practice book for intermediate studentsEnglish Grammar in Use Third Edition is a fully updated version of the classic grammartitle.This new edition:• offers the same easy to use format: on each left-hand page a grammar point is expiained and on the right-hand page there are exerdses to check understanding• is ideal for self-study. The study guide helps students identify the most useful language points to study• has nine completely new units, including eight new units on phrasai verbs to cover this inıportant area more thoroughly• has a wealth of additional exercises for extra contrastive practice• is infull colour.The exciting new CD-RO/V offers additional practice material covering ali the Sanguage taught in the book. The CD-ROM includes:• hundreds of practice exerdses• practice guides for key language areas of the book• customised tests targeiing specific language areas• audio recordings of ali main exercises• listen, repeat and record function• built-in dictionary with full definitions of ali key vocabulary• a iink to Cambridge Dictionartes önüne.

English Grammar in UseWith ansvversand CD-ROAA Third EditionA self-study reference and practice book for intermediate studentsEnglish Grammar in Use Third Edition is a fully updated version of the classic grammartitle.This new edition:• offers the s... tümünü göster

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· 10 yıl
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