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melisa kütüphanesine ekledi.

Eleman ben, ajan 67 numaranın XXX anlatısı burada, bu kitapta başlıyor. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin XXX kentine XXX ülkesinden gelen namı diğer Pigme’nin.
Burada, geniş soluklu inek baba, tavuk anne, kedi kız kardeş ve domuz köpek erkek kardeşle birlikte yaşayacağım. Tabii kısa bir süre. Kargaşa Operasyonu’yla emperyalist düzenin ve bu düzenin sahipleri, en çok nefret edilen Amerikalıların canına okuyana kadar. Dönek Yahudi, kokuşmuş dahi, atom bombasının babası Robert Oppenheimer’ın dediği üzere, “Ölüm gibi, dünyaların yıkıcısı olacağım ben”.
Tüm kitaplarında, vahşi kapitalist sistemin ve bu sistemin parçası tüketim toplumunun ona damgasını vuran klişeleriyle birlikte en iyi eleştiren yazarlardan biri olan Chuck Palahniuk, Pigme’de iki farklı sistemin, liberal kapitalizmin ve otoriter devletçiliğin adeta otopsisini yapıyor. Bunu yaparken de yine iğrenç, edepsiz, pervasız bir dil kullanmaktan, tüm putları teker teker kırmaktan, yüz kızartmaktan ve karın ağrıtmaktan çekinmiyor. Ancak bu defa, zekâ dozu çok yüksek hikâyesine mizahı da bolca katmış, hatta aranırsa içinde aşk bile var.
Pigme’yi okurken her zamanki gibi anarşist ruhunuz harekete geçecek. Ancak bu defa bolca eğleneceksiniz de. İçinizden kapitalizme, faşizme bir uçan tekme atmak geçecek, Pigme’nin her fırsatta yaptığı ya da yapmayı hayal ettiği gibi. Kısacası, her şey var bu kitapta, aşk, cinayet, kahkaha, ayaklanma, devrim ve ihanet…

Eleman ben, ajan 67 numaranın XXX anlatısı burada, bu kitapta başlıyor. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin XXX kentine XXX ülkesinden gelen namı diğer Pigme’nin.
Burada, geniş soluklu inek baba, tavuk anne, kedi kız kardeş ve domuz köpek erkek kardeşle... tümünü göster

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melisa okuma durumunu güncelledi.
İşlemler için giriş yapınız veya kayıt olunuz
· 12 yıl, 5 ay
melisa okumuş.

"Are you there, Satan? It's me, Madison," declares the whip-tongued eleven-year-old narrator of "Damned,""Chuck Palahniuk's subversive new work of fiction. The daughter of a narcissistic film star and a billionaire, Madison is abandoned at her Swiss boarding school over Christmas, while her parents are off touting their new projects and adopting more orphans. She dies over the holiday of a mari-juana overdose--and the next thing she knows, she's in Hell. Madison shares her cell with a motley crew of young sinners that is almost too good to be true: a cheerleader, a jock, a nerd, and a punk rocker, united by fate to form the six-feet-under version of everyone's favorite detention movie. Madison and her pals trek across the Dandruff Desert and climb the treacherous Mountain of Toenail Clippings to confront Satan in his citadel. All the popcorn balls and wax lips that serve as the currency of Hell won't buy them off.
This is the afterlife as only Chuck Palahniuk could imagine it: a twisted inferno where "The English Patient" plays on end-less repeat, roaming demons devour sinners limb by limb, and the damned interrupt your dinner from their sweltering call center to hard-sell you Hell. He makes eternal torment, well, simply divine...

"Are you there, Satan? It's me, Madison," declares the whip-tongued eleven-year-old narrator of "Damned,""Chuck Palahniuk's subversive new work of fiction. The daughter of a narcissistic film star and a billionaire,... tümünü göster

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· 12 yıl, 5 ay
melisa kütüphanesine ekledi.

"Are you there, Satan? It's me, Madison," declares the whip-tongued eleven-year-old narrator of "Damned,""Chuck Palahniuk's subversive new work of fiction. The daughter of a narcissistic film star and a billionaire, Madison is abandoned at her Swiss boarding school over Christmas, while her parents are off touting their new projects and adopting more orphans. She dies over the holiday of a mari-juana overdose--and the next thing she knows, she's in Hell. Madison shares her cell with a motley crew of young sinners that is almost too good to be true: a cheerleader, a jock, a nerd, and a punk rocker, united by fate to form the six-feet-under version of everyone's favorite detention movie. Madison and her pals trek across the Dandruff Desert and climb the treacherous Mountain of Toenail Clippings to confront Satan in his citadel. All the popcorn balls and wax lips that serve as the currency of Hell won't buy them off.
This is the afterlife as only Chuck Palahniuk could imagine it: a twisted inferno where "The English Patient" plays on end-less repeat, roaming demons devour sinners limb by limb, and the damned interrupt your dinner from their sweltering call center to hard-sell you Hell. He makes eternal torment, well, simply divine...

"Are you there, Satan? It's me, Madison," declares the whip-tongued eleven-year-old narrator of "Damned,""Chuck Palahniuk's subversive new work of fiction. The daughter of a narcissistic film star and a billionaire,... tümünü göster

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· 12 yıl, 5 ay
melisa bir kitabın açıklamasını düzenledi.

"Are you there, Satan? It's me, Madison," declares the whip-tongued eleven-year-old narrator of "Damned,""Chuck Palahniuk's subversive new work of fiction. The daughter of a narcissistic film star and a billionaire, Madison is abandoned at her Swiss boarding school over Christmas, while her parents are off touting their new projects and adopting more orphans. She dies over the holiday of a mari-juana overdose--and the next thing she knows, she's in Hell. Madison shares her cell with a motley crew of young sinners that is almost too good to be true: a cheerleader, a jock, a nerd, and a punk rocker, united by fate to form the six-feet-under version of everyone's favorite detention movie. Madison and her pals trek across the Dandruff Desert and climb the treacherous Mountain of Toenail Clippings to confront Satan in his citadel. All the popcorn balls and wax lips that serve as the currency of Hell won't buy them off.
This is the afterlife as only Chuck Palahniuk could imagine it: a twisted inferno where "The English Patient" plays on end-less repeat, roaming demons devour sinners limb by limb, and the damned interrupt your dinner from their sweltering call center to hard-sell you Hell. He makes eternal torment, well, simply divine...

"Are you there, Satan? It's me, Madison," declares the whip-tongued eleven-year-old narrator of "Damned,""Chuck Palahniuk's subversive new work of fiction. The daughter of a narcissistic film star and a billionaire,... tümünü göster

İşlemler için giriş yapınız veya kayıt olunuz
· 12 yıl, 5 ay
melisa bir kitabın açıklamasını düzenledi.

"Are you there, Satan? It's me, Madison," declares the whip-tongued eleven-year-old narrator of "Damned,""Chuck Palahniuk's subversive new work of fiction. The daughter of a narcissistic film star and a billionaire, Madison is abandoned at her Swiss boarding school over Christmas, while her parents are off touting their new projects and adopting more orphans. She dies over the holiday of a mari-juana overdose--and the next thing she knows, she's in Hell. Madison shares her cell with a motley crew of young sinners that is almost too good to be true: a cheerleader, a jock, a nerd, and a punk rocker, united by fate to form the six-feet-under version of everyone's favorite detention movie. Madison and her pals trek across the Dandruff Desert and climb the treacherous Mountain of Toenail Clippings to confront Satan in his citadel. All the popcorn balls and wax lips that serve as the currency of Hell won't buy them off.
This is the afterlife as only Chuck Palahniuk could imagine it: a twisted inferno where "The English Patient" plays on end-less repeat, roaming demons devour sinners limb by limb, and the damned interrupt your dinner from their sweltering call center to hard-sell you Hell. He makes eternal torment, well, simply divine...

"Are you there, Satan? It's me, Madison," declares the whip-tongued eleven-year-old narrator of "Damned,""Chuck Palahniuk's subversive new work of fiction. The daughter of a narcissistic film star and a billionaire,... tümünü göster

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· 12 yıl, 5 ay
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