In 2014...Neo tokyo was under complete control by the unknown ruler, `Friend`. Kanna has decided to make revenge, to accomplish Kenji''s last will who was killed in the `Bloody New Year''s Eve''. just when she was gathering people to fight against `Friend`, Kyoko Koizumi was involved in true horror. in the brainwashing factory, Tomodachi Land, Kyoko met Kenji of his boyhood, and saw something she should never have seen... It was the face of `Friend`!! Who will survive the world of Indistinguishable of friends and foes to the last!?
In 2014...Neo tokyo was under complete control by the unknown ruler, `Friend`. Kanna has decided to make revenge, to accomplish Kenji''s last will who was killed in the `Bloody New Year''s Eve''. just when she was gathering people to fight against `Friend`, Kyoko Koizumi was involved in true horror. in the brainwashing factory, Tomodachi Land, Kyoko met Kenji of his boyhood, and saw something she should never have seen... It was the face of `Friend`!! Who will survive the world of Indistinguishable of friends and foes to the last!?
Karton Cilt, 216 sayfa
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