The Alibi Man

Former undercover cop Elena Estes is back on the fringes of the elite world she once rejected, training horses for a living. But when she discovers a friend's body, murdered and dumped in a canal, Elena is drawn again into a painful vortex she's fought hard to leave behind -one that includes a group of powerful Palm Beach bad boys. Among them is her former fiance -a man she knows has already escaped justice at least once. Now finding the killer will put Elena at odds with her old life, her new lover, and herself -and could make her the next victim.

Former undercover cop Elena Estes is back on the fringes of the elite world she once rejected, training horses for a living. But when she discovers a friend's body, murdered and dumped in a canal, Elena is drawn again into a painful vortex she's fought hard to leave behind -one that includes a group of powerful Palm Beach bad boys. Among them is her former fiance -a man she knows has already escaped justice at least once. Now finding the killer will put Elena at odds with her old life, her new lover, and herself -and could make her the next victim.


7 puan

.Polisiye-Gerilim sevenler için bir nefeste okunacak kitaplardan..

Profil Resmi
10 puan

Bu kitap beni değiştirdi diyebilirim . İçinden ders alıcağımız şeyler var ...

7 puan

Polisiye sevenlere uygun olabilir.

4 puan

Cok surprizli ve surukleyici olmayan bir polisiye. Otobuste metroda okursaniz ne ala, onun disinda zaman kaybi..

7 puan

Güzeldi. 1 günde okudum.Sonuç sürprizdi.

Baskı Bilgileri

Ciltsiz, 431 sayfa
2007 tarihinde, Bantam Books tarafından yayınlandı


Diğer baskılar

Etiketler: polisiye - gerilim

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