A Midsummer Night's Dream

The Arden Shakespeare is the established edition of Shakespeare's work. Justly celebrated for its authoritative scholarship and invaluable commentary, Arden guides you a richer understanding and appreciation of Shakespeare's plays. This edition of A Midsummer Nights Dream provides, a clear and authoritative text, detailed notes and commentary on the same page as the text, a full introduction discussing the critical and historical background to the play and appendices presenting sources and relevant extracts.

The Arden Shakespeare is the established edition of Shakespeare's work. Justly celebrated for its authoritative scholarship and invaluable commentary, Arden guides you a richer understanding and appreciation of Shakespeare's plays. This edition of A Midsummer Nights Dream provides, a clear and authoritative text, detailed notes and commentary on the same page as the text, a full introduction discussing the critical and historical background to the play and appendices presenting sources and relevant extracts.


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8 puan

Filmi de en az bu şaheser kadar güzeldir.

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Bence EN güzel Shakespeare eseri...

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Özellikle Antik Batı Klasikleri Yayınevi'nden çıkan baskının çevirisi çok iyidir.

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başyapıt...şuanda bile böyle yazamayan yazarlar var biliyor musunuz?

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Shakespeare'in en sevdiğim eseri olabilir. Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları'nın çevirisi açıklamalı ve güzeldi. Diğer yayınların çevirilerini bilmiyorum.

Baskı Bilgileri

Karton Cilt, 320 sayfa
6Eylül1979 tarihinde, Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare tarafından yayınlandı


Diğer baskılar

Etiketler: komedi, fantazi, romantik

Benzer Kitaplar

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Şu anda kimse okumuyor.


Ilginn factorfiction
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